Sunday, October 01, 2006

SOS: please, someone help me

so anyways, i'm on my break between studying this lovely molecule as well as memorizing the 20 amino acids .. and man .. i'm pretty proud of myself that i haven't completely died this weekend and i'm not feeling as sad as i was on thursday/friday .. things just keep getting more and more complicated as the semester goes on .. but i guess, it's expected -- after all, i am a 3rd year! but oh man people, i definitely was in a rut for about 2 weeks. possibly, when i take my other exams .. it'll come back with a vengenace, but for right now, i'm trying to savor the fact that i'm in a good mood once again. i think the sunshine definitely helps .. i hate going to school when it rains .. rain always makes me feel sad during the school year. i can't believe it's already october .. sometimes the days go by so agonizingly slow [you should see our pharmacy practice managment class LOL] and sometimes, i'm surprised at how fast we finish and that holy smokes! it's friday once again. =) friday has become my favorite day of the week .. i guess it helps that i don't work weekends and that charles and i usually go out after class on fridays, and of course, i get to catch up on allllll my sleep during the weekend. i think i'm finally getting used to the whole, feeling-tired-everyday thing, but it's annoying when my body refuses to wake up for my 8:55 am class. i'll have to work on that .. usually, i'm really good about it, but it doesn't help when i have a bajillion exams that i have to study for. ahhhh time management, what a biiiiiiiitch .. it makes me sad sometimes that i can't ever do much of anything fun anymore, it's as if i don't have the time because i always feel guilty that i should be using that time to be studying .. just like right now, lol .. but writing in my blogspot is always part of the escape i need from the hectic herd of moo-moos that stress out around me everyday. i wish they would all just take a chill pill .. it's starting to rub off on me too, because viv tells me to take some chill pills too. maybe i should invent that when i graduate .. 2010 seems so far away, i can't wait for that f-ing year to come.

well, um .. in something non-school related, i sure do love online shopping! of course, i haven't really bought much online .. and i'm trying to earn some money to actually buy another thing online .. but man! i didn't know that if you use your check card with the visa logo on it it's comparable to a credit card [minus the whole, gotta charge it and then pay for it later thing.] it's so tempting to go out and buy lots and lots of stuff .. so far, i just bought a microSD card for my phone that i'm hoping will come this week .. yay for music on my phone! i love my phone, but then i was searching the t-mobile website and they came out with more samsung phones. it's too late now to get a new phone [heller, i just got this one!] but you know, can't help but feel like i want to get another phone. poo .. but it's okay, it's a phone, and as long as it makes calls, then i'm set. i bought some skinny-ish jeans too from tjmaxx .. they are slimming and have a cigarette leg instead of a tapered leg .. which i guess is good .. i thought skinny jeans were supposed to be mad skinny but it's okay. they are freakin sold out everywhere! i tried on this outfit for my mom with a shirt i bought from h&m and she said i looked malnourished. LOL .. i felt like nicole richie for a hot minute .. and kind of nice because at least she didn't say i looked fat. eheh .. [contrary to popular belief, i too have weight issues and think i'm fat.] i would like some more flats too, but it's okay .. sneakers are the way to go for me right now because they are oh-so-comfy and plus i look like a bum almost every single day [except for wednesday when i have to look extra cool for when i go to pharmaceutics lab. OH! i needa go to H&M and/or target and buy some more professional clothes.. mmm ..] so much stuff i wanna buy .. damn, i'm so materialistic. ahahaha .. another reason why i am in pharmacy school .. =X

anywho, since my life has been mainly about books, i guess this is where the conversation has to end, friends. til next time, when i have something else to say again. peeeeeeease!

ps.// the song, 'enjoy' by janet jackson is hot. listen to it! =)

<3 to:
jon [santos]; you're welcome. =)
jackie [bestfriend]; hehe i love your cheese. delicious cheesy goodness. mmm especially cheese on my pizza .. yum!
gillian [breathing mechanisms of the fish woman]; YAY! i can't wait. i wanna go to ummm .. philadelphia or miami .. or .. let's go to LA!!!!! =D =D =D
ren [renee]; awww thanks ren i love you too! =)