Friday, September 09, 2005

schooool daaaaaze .. and dunks!

oh my forsheezy school is biting me in the ass ! and it's only been not even a week! holy mother of pearl i think i'm going to die! since this is like the only really free time i have [i seem to always start class pretty late -- my earliest is like 9 lol .. then again i get out my latest is like 6] today i have class at like 2.. but i have to leave early to pay my parking ticket ! what a bummer ! stupid parktran you can really kiss my ass. roar! like 10293810983012 people commute at this damn school and we all get screwed over. >=/ oh wells. but anyways .. with school in full swing it gives me stuff to do -- homework! ahhhhhh ! i never thought i'd hate reading as much i do. everything i have to do is read! read read read. wahhhh i don't wanna go to school anymore =( but i mean school is still cool because i get to make new friends and talk to random people and yeah! how wonderful ^_^ christine tells me she's pulling an 'angelica' when she be's extra friendly. wahoo i get an action named after me. yeah!
and one crappy thing i found out from school is that i have an exam on my birthday! now how much does that suck!? roar i was so sad when i found out. supersam was like 'yeah so just take it, go back to sleep [the exam's @ 8 am] and then wake up like it never happened!' ahh but i'll still know! ahhhhh. i deserve a new pair of sneakers for that! which leads me to ..
these! according to my research [and my friend phil haha] they're apparently the island pack dunks or something. well, whatever they are, they are the prettiest and weirdest dunks i've ever seen in my life! ohhhh man how could i not want them. i have the money, i think i should just buy them for myself because after all, not like i'm going to really be going out spending my lovely money [unless it's to feed myself at school hahaha] anyways! so i should just get those and save them for myself for my birthday! i don't care if i don't get anything else! well, except for maybe a cake. i'd really like a cake from la bonbonerrie or maybe from shoprite! well since i have an exam i should get an extra cake too. so ha. so yeah! and i check everyday [props to them for the pick hahaha] to make sure my size is still there! and if anyone is out there who loves me a lot and wants to purchase these for me i promis i'll pay you back! unless it's gratis which is also nice and then guess what i'll love you for life! my mom says i have too many sneakers already, and she always yells at me every time i find a new pair that i drool over for a month, but i don't really care, because if i want to be a sneaker head that's my problem! i'm working for it anyway! lol. but i promise [i always make this promise] one two more pairs of nice dunks [namely, those up there and the white on whites i saw -- even though they ran out in my size! =( ] and i'll stop buying and looking at dunks like crazy. promise! i won't drool over dunks until after i graduate. or at least, get a credit card and a really really good paying job. hahaha ..

and ! a couple of pictures for people who like to visit my site for the pictures. =P

miss christine and niko .. he he he

yeah who's cool. ^_^

okay that is the end of my blog! i have to eat breakfast and still go to school. organic chemistry roar! maybe next time i'll write a longer blog when i have something to write about. or maybe when i can remember what to write about. lolss ..

and .. shoutouts go to my homeslice christine for being the only one who left me a comment. i heart you!
