Wednesday, December 03, 2008

never gonna give you up


i got sick! SADNESS! dammit, i don't know what happened but suddenly i got strep throat yesterday and now i'm on antibiotics! LE SIGH ..

so much for my big plan for going to the city to see the pretty tree on friday! i think i will have to take a rain check on that and go see it on another day. :( it has been a long time since i have gotten sick with a true infection needing a prescription that i thought i would be okay! but no! i had to get strep throat .. damn you infectious airborne bacteria! :shakes fist: exams are coming and i totally wasted a day sleeping yesterday and my hospital final is tomorrow. i am still trying to get through everything but it is way way boring like to the nth degree even though i plan on maybe going into the hospital pharmacy sector later on. [tell me why the people at my local chain retail pharmacy of which i will not call out on out of decency for my profession was totally bogus and didn't process my insurance right when i so had been going there for like 5 years now. hello! like for serious, that's dumb!] i thought that i could just fight the sore throat because i thought it was just a cold and you know us pharmacy students, they always teaching us about resistance to antibiotics and the overmedication of the population -- i was like, hell no i don't want a prescription! i just need halls! halls halls halls. well halls not working anymore and it was getting increasingly harder to swallow! oh man. so yes, i gave in and went to the doctor. yay medicine!

anywhos, maybe i might go to the city after finals or maybe during reading day like charles and i did last time. hopefully i'll be better by then and i won't relapse from this infection! le sigh .. there was a sample sale at triple 5 soul too! dag .. but who has money to shop! i spent all my money already LOL .. dags. this is just OD! christmas shopping is beat and i kind of want to do it online so i don't have to leave the comforts of my bed. oh wells ..

okay maybe i should get back to studying like usual .. til next time!