Wednesday, July 18, 2007

midnight fire

damn, it's been that long that i haven't updated my blogger? goodness gracious, i can't let that amount of time pass like that .. i failed miserably in writing one entry per week .. so sad!
so charles called me from target and told me he found the silver surfer figurine that i impulsively paid $14 for -- he found it there, at target, for 5 BUCKS!

he offered to buy it for me again, for sentimental reasons, but i said no. awwww .. he's so thoughtful sometimes at the most random moments.

meanwhile, i've successfully wasted my summer working! oh well, at least i got to go to the museum this past weekend. gillian told me to treat going to new york like going to paris .. and it's true, i followed her advice and it made the trip that more enjoyable. i guess you kind of take for granted all that you have in new york city when you live so close to it. it was nice being a tourist .. even though i'm from jersey, new york is definitely my city.

well good night and good luck my friends, time for sleep because of lab tomorrow.

<3 to the girl who is awesomer beyond words; jackie!