Thursday, December 07, 2006

In Over My Head

okay so yeah, i should be studying for pharmy pharm care -- and instead i would rather blogger, because i am lame, because pharmy pharm care is the gay-est shiiiiet in the entire world and i know i should should care about it because heller! i am a pharmacist-in-training and i deal with drugs all day every day. but come on now, ladies and gentlemen, i am going to be looking this shit up when i get older. or telling my little underlings to do all this shit for me. nahahahaha. this is so so so LAME-O!! ugh. one hundred UGHs. anywhoo, it has been a hot minute since i wrote a blog, so i thought it would be a nice time to write something .. it doesn't take me too long, and maybe i finally had something to write! instead of some bs entry that i usually write because i feel bad because i didn't have anything to say. but anyways, you know, these past couple of weeks it has been pretty hard.. actually after thanksgiving has been pretty hard .. december always has a way of kicking my ass. when i was driving home tonight, it was really clear and cold.. i was trying to look for a shooting star in the sky but unfortunately i was not lucky enough to catch one yet. and there was some commercial on the radio that was talking about how whack of a year 2006 was .. and i was thinking about it and i was like .. yeah, this year was pretty whack! like, okay, no, there were definitely a lot of good parts [AKA SUMMER] but come on. the end of sophomore year academically was a beeeeyatch! you know, i came out of my orgo/systems finals thinkin i was an absolute dumbass. of course, and then i had to take that philo summer class .. yeah, i know, i made dean's list and shit like that .. *POOF* that's gone! ahahha. like this semester totally started off jacked up. it really did! everyone is like mad messed up academically and everything is just biting our ass in the wrong ways! what is going on! even though it's not new year's yet my new year's resolution is to walk into my next semester [crosses fingers] with open arms and open mind. so that i can love love love this stuff! sigh. when i was walking down to the dining hall to eat with my pharmy pharm friends i was thinking about how i was trying my best to stay positive and happy .. because even though there is all this crap and i am tired i am trying to stay positive. charles said that he does not want me to depend on him to be "jolly" and that every time we are together i am always so "jolly." well jolly makes me think of santa! and then i told him that i am jolly even with my mom and of course when i eat chocolates. but charles, being the smarty pants he is, says that he does things that chocolate can not do for me. oh gillian, she would be proud. did i mention that one time gillian and i did a debate on whether boys were better than chocolate? it was mad funny and it was for our school project. gillian, she is such a silly silly lady. who puts silly ideas into my head. LOL .. anyways, i am glad i am in a much better better mood than the past couple of weeks because that was just bad. really bad! i do not want to get into details but let us just say it was bad. and, since finals are coming up, i feel a little sadness that i can not do much hanging outs because i have to S-T-U-D-Y. sadness! but that's okay. i hope i can hang outs a lots after my exams! everything is going by so fast .. oh goodness! when i was making my list for xmas wantings [charles' brother ask me and i was like .. "?" lol] and i wanted a chocolate fountain! but then i was thinking, i wouldn't really use it! oh but it is so so so awesome! but if you would like to know, i would like nintendo ds lite thank you very much! but if you ask me, i am getting a spatula for christmas! i am getting a spatula i am getting a spatula i am getting a spatula i am getting a spatula i am getting a spatula i am getting a spatula i am getting a spatula! eheheheh. anyways, since i feel kind of bad that i wasn't really studying and i was procrastinating .. here is something for you to know!

if you plan on taking trovafloxacin for your nosocomial pneumonia, note that there is a black box warning that could be serious enough to require a liver transplant. so it should not be used for more than 2 weeks.

ciprodex is used for otitis media.

avoid taking your fluoroquinolones with antacids.

when taking cialis, the drug is no substitute for sexual stimulation and in order to get an erection, you have to do the damn thing. it is more different chemically and has a longer duration.

migranes can be triggered by food and environmental events, and taking imitrex or relpax is usually the choice of treatment. beta blockers and antiseizure medications are also propylactic for migraines.

k bye!

<3 to:
anonymous; who left me 2 comments about my pimply face -- thanks for visiting my site! `;P no beef, go ahead, i know i gots pimples. i may not be adriana lima but dammit i know i could put it down. ^_^
bestfriend jackie; the best! absolutely! yayayay! wish you could have been @ thanksgiving for the lumpias heehee
my "admirer"; thanks for the positive comments! i really appreciate it! ^_^ it kind of was the inspiration for me to write a blog .. heehee! =)