Tuesday, August 01, 2006

a little less conversation, a little more action please

viva las vegas! =) so here i am, back from vacation in the land of pimps and hos, sin city itself -- las vegas! lol, to be honest [then again, i'm only 19 so i couldn't really do a lot of the big kid stuff hahaha] sin city isn't really sinful. with the exception of gluttony, jealousy, greed, and maybe anger -- you can't really commit lust or something because #1; prostitution is illegal in clark county [where las vegas is located] and #2; of course -- you have to be 21 to gamble/go clubbing/eat in the lounges/etc etc. but it's okay -- i heart the arcades [where i wasted money on driving games] and the shoppings, where i burned money on food and souvenirs and a pair of sneakes that i wanted to come home with on the plane. [then i arrived in jersey and found out they were selling them tax free at kids footlocker in menlo. =T but who cares they are still t-i-g-h-t. yessir!] but i'm glad to be back home.. in my house, with my stuff, and my family, and friends, and of course, with this boyfriend guy once again living in another town 15 mins away. i still feel kind of out of whack from the vacation because i feel so tired. but it was fun -- i'm a loser, my favorite part was riding in the airplane and going to the airport. i love it! i can't wait to do it again. hmmm .. i wonder where my next destination will be. i say, los angeles. or, miami. or, arizona to visit my best friend in the universe. or even, philippines, because there's some shindig that my family is planning on attending. whoa now! so anyways, i don't know how best to explain my vacation so i will use one of my favorite methods of telling the story -- picture form! =) click to enlarge!

pink dog in our hotel the grandview at las vegas. we were plugging it when we saw their stands in the strip. ehehehe

the strip during the day. taken through the protective glass of the pedestrian walkway haha

mandalay bay!

the trolley we had to take everyday to get to the strip. we were such trolley whores that the trolley drivers even remembered who we were. they were so funny too.
"have a trolley of a day!"
"DO NOT leave children on my bus! my wife is not going to like that especially if they the wrong color."
"this girl is like my first ex-wife. petite and sweet, just like a bullet."
shoutouts to reggie and ernesto; the best trolley drivers ever. hehe

cirque du soleil was awesome. i saw O, so i don't ttink they wore masks because everyone had to know how to swim for the show.. but this mask was still fun. hehe. it was so cool, try to check it out if you ever go to vegas!

ah yes, the pool. working on my amazing light tan. and i didn't get burned! thanks to SPF 30 sunblock all day every day ^_^

we actually saw a family that really got married in las vegas and we asked them if we could take pics with them .. i forgot to get their names but they were really gracious to pose with us! =)

boredom at the airport leads to flying action pics!

ate mercy told us to go to the grand canyon but we were too lazy. it's okay, because i got a better view for free when i rode in the plane going home. =)

and that was my vacation in a nutshell -- i still have 200 pics to upload to webshots.. i have some up now if you wanna look -- check it out! =)

well anyways, that's just about what's been going on in my life this summer. went back to work the monday i came back -- i was a little tired, but i gotta make that paper. hehe. kuya jeff and celeste's wedding is coming up in a week-ish .. i get to wear my [sarcasm] most favorite dress in the world. =T eh, whatevs. then school starts .. oh man! can you say, third year! what! holy smokes kids. better enjoy this nothingness while i still can. hopefully, i can go to the beach someday before summer is over. or maybe atlantic city .. more family togetherness. i am glad i got to spend some quality time with the fam-jams because this past summer it's been like i haven't been able to see them that much because i am working or out with charles or my other friends. it makes me sad .. even though i didn't do anything last summer, at least i got to spend lots of quality time with my family. so today, i think i'm gonna spend some more time with my godkids .. joy joy! =) ummmm .. i think i don't have much to say again. so i guess it's time to wrap up this entry! i would have had some other stuff to say, but the awkwardness is gone -- and let's leave it at that. til next time kids .. see you on the flip side! take care in the heat! it's like 100 degrees! i just came back from hot and i come home to hot. but that's okay because i'm ready! bring it on mother nature! lol. peeeeease !

<3 to:
bestfriend jackie; oh yes! mmmm chicken! ahahahahahha ..
christine aka the homie; hehe anytime! vegas was fun =) thanks for my bonvoyage call! i love you too homie!
marielle; i miss you too! i was reading some trashy mags in the airport too! hehe. i heart the airport!
star; hello! long time no see! how was your trip out of country? i hope it was well. hehe yes, i've been having a good time this summer! take care and thanks for visiting!
sam aka supersam; hehehe! yes! gluttony was definitely the top sin. LOL!
nicole; hey nicole! awww thanks =) yeah, it was pretty crazy before with my mom .. i think things are still really weird, but they've gotten a little better. have fun at st. john's! i'm not sure if i can come friday.. [me and mary have to fulfill our duties as bridesmaids lol] but if not, have fun for me and i hope i see you again before you leave for big bad college! =)