Friday, March 31, 2006

happy birthday mom!

well of course first i have to wish happy happy happy birthday to my mom! =) yes, today is my parent's birthday, a superb one too -- she got all the warm weather and sunshine today, and plus, it's doctor appreciation day; since my mom's a doctor, she gets double the props. hot! so of course, since it's my mom's birthday and her favorite thing to do is hang out with me [lol] i stayed home and had some quality time with my parents. heeh. we went around, ate at skylark diner, visited rin-rin and her new baby mayumi, and then just spent the rest of the day at home. it was so nice out that i couldn't pass up the perfect day to finally clean my car .. it hasn't been cleaned since last semester and it was looking pretty sad. so i busted all the works out .. soap up and polish up, vacuum.. and i know guys really like to take care of their cars, but girls can have mad love for their cars too. especially me. man, i just love looking at my car after i clean it. it's so sweet! so hopefully, it better be sunny for a good while when i go out driving because my car is awesomely clean. and i'm frickin tired now from all that wax on wax off thing .. i felt like i was the next karate kid with mr. miyagi. lol.

so, today, i refuse to study anything at all for the whole day. after studying hard core for more than a week, not to mention going to all my classes [that's right, i don't skip class to study for exams. =P] i am all textbook/notes/learning-ed out. i finally got my statistics, physiology, and sociology exams out of the way .. and now, starting tomorrow, i have to go on a supreme orgo [aka organic chemistry] love fest. i've got labs to do, a lab exam, a lab, a quiz in lecture, and an exam for lecture .. wow. orgo is some boyfriend -- he's always there for me but never gives me any good lovin'. hahaha .. just joking, i just hope that i kill this exam because it's my last chance to pull it out in this class. i can't believe my semester only has about a month left. where did the time go?! and what did i do with my life!? haha. i kinda miss how in high school, our exams were spread out because being the bright and intelligent kids that we were in the honors program, all our teachers knew us by name and we all had the same exact schedules .. so we always managed to pull the leverage so as to not schedule exams -- err, tests on the same day. but now, rutgers couldn't care less if you were in a state of panic, your exam is when it is. sheesh .. haha. but i'm not going to study today or tonight .. i need a frickin break. yikes .. one more week of hell. just one more week! :screams:

this week; was eh -- you know. full of exams. haha. but! i did start my first day of work this week at the computer lab @ arc. man, i never knew how crazy things got in the morning there.. and being on the other side helps me to empathize when i go and use the computers at the lab. so, yes, i am a working student! i always thought working students were so cool because they would always sound so busy and committed, and of course have money and some sort of baller status. now, i get to join this elite group of employed college people. nice. though, i'm still the president of broke ass ho incorporated, since i only work 3 hrs, i make about one andrew jackson a week. haha. hey, it's a start. =) and then, monday was also my last hip-hop class. :sadness: i'm going to miss going to it every monday. well, maybe next year i'll take it again .. but then again, i want to take something new. maybe .. ballroom? just like take the lead! wow, i still want to see that movie. i missed the free pre-screening for rutgers students last weekend because i had to be a loser and study. and no one to go with. lol. oh well .. it's okay .. not every day i go see a movie, so i don't mind paying, i guess. haha. so, who wants to go with me now? ^_^ then, thursday, went to eskrima -- learned some kind of a ninja roll .. chyeah i'm cool `;D and some grappling -- err, well, self-defense tactics to me, because i'm scared to grapple. and spar. and engage in fierce combat. lol. why am i in eskrima again? LOL, joke! it's fun =D and now, here we are at friday, home chillen. =) i think i want to start swimming at the pool at the gym at school .. and i think i just typed it to remind myself that i want to do it .. haha .. so, yeah. still working on that goal to be a pussycat doll. like for serious, they are my idols. haha. well now i am kind of tired and have nothing else to say. i think i want to go to sleep early .. and finish some other shit. okay, i'll catch you all on the flip side lovers and friends. peeeeeeace.

"i like filipinos. they're asian, but not cocky about it." -- karen, from will&grace

<3 to:
joe aka jopapa; yes, color coordination shall be my specialty. haha.
jess; i miss you! i hope PSU is treating you well. we really have to catch up soon! =)
star; awww thanks! =) you're awesome! take care!
bestfriend jackie; ahahahahahaha x1000. :-D you crack me up! my letter is coming soon. for seeerious .. `;D