Sunday, February 12, 2006

flying tomatos and snow

[click to enlarge] well so i was you know, sitting down, bullshitting around like i usually do .. and look out my window! can you see that snow! holy geez there's like 2 feet out there! i was tryna help my mom shovel the driveway .. but yeah i'm a weakling and i didn't get very far after an hour. that snow's brutal man! why couldn't the snow go to italy in the olympics because i'm sure they need the snow a lot more than we do here cuz you know heller! rutgers isn't gonna cancel school i don't think this snow is enough and it didn't come at the right time because it's the weekend! but then again, not like anyone's really gonna plow there .. oh wells .. i guess i'll just have to see tomorrow, i still have to finish my dumb lab reports and study for my exams that i've been putting off ever since the crazy orgo exam finished. lol. but would you look at that snow! oh man. it hasn't snowed this hard since i was in st. matthew's, back when i got a whole week off from school because of the snow. crazy! imagine if rutgers gave us a whole week off .. nahh. lols! so i got to stay home and do nothing and sleep and watch flying tomato!the flying tomato in the olympics! oh man, something about the olympics and tv and gold medals just makes people so hot. wow .. shaun white is hot. snowboarding is hot. HOT, son! lol, if he hit on me with his hot gold medal dude i would so be a groupie. ehehehe! that gold medal will definitely get the chicks. oh man, i want to go to the olympics. maybe i'll go to china to go to the olympics! or vancouver! so i can see the flying tomato again! or whatever! wow i really love the olympics. it's funny how there's like people from british virgin islands participating in the olympics with some oldie lady doing the luge as her sport and she's the only athlete .. hells yeah, i wanna be the athlete for the philippines, snowboarding or something or doing the skeleton or the luge! yeah! that would be hot i could get on tv and everything. ^_^ oh wells .. tomorrow's another day for olympics so i can be a fan of another person. olympic medalslike yesterday i was a fan of the speedskating guy chad [i forgot his last name lol] but he was hot he won a gold medal! way cool too! but sad, michelle kwan is out. she was so good, but just not good enough. sure she didn't win the gold but you know you remember her more than what's-her-name .. tara lipinski and sarah hughes. who cares about them! hahaha .. but good luck to emily hughes, she better win something or else it would be a waste. but then again, that just would show that michelle kwan was just the bomb! oh wells .. even though she lost, and apolo ohno lost, at least the flying tomato shaun white won. so yeah! i wish i had more to say, only that it sucks that it had to snow on vday, now i can't even wear my cool shoes anywhere but in buildings because the snow will just mess them up. argh! oh wells .. too bad .. haha .. i guess this is the end of my entry because i am going to sleep. or should i finish my lab report .. or study .. or bullshit around .. hehe i think i'll go with the last one. well good night everybody! =)

ps.// the silver medallist danny kass is from jersey! woooo he rocks! and look at the finnish guy. ahahaha .. .
pps.// props to for the pics. yehey! =)

<3 to: gillian and marielle for their long inspiring comments on my other blog. thank you i love you! =)