Saturday, January 14, 2006

how about you leave me a comment?

lol .. yeah, i know, i changed it again -- i only had the other layout up for not even a month and here i go changing it again. but i can't help it, i was in such admiration of my random pink site that i decided to write in it. not only that, school is coming on tuesday [ :GASP: ] which will leave me little time to write in here again because of you know -- those panic attacks, orgo exams, other exams, dancing dancing .. and did i mention battle of the barrios is coming and so is the fiesta? lol. i hope i don't miss the fiesta this year like i did last year. because from what i heard it was a pretty good frickin time. wow, i'm surprised i'm in such a good mood right now .. i felt like such crap this morning when i woke up because this whole.. self-limiting cold thing is really a bitch. and plus, it's raining too, or sleeting .. i don't even know anymore. yuck. precipitation!
on another note, i'm still not registered for an elective for school and school is when -- in like 3 days!! what the hell!? how many people at this university have to take a freakin elective. MAN! well, i hope i get special permission or whatever for something .. maybe in a couple of days people will end up dropping something and taking something else. let's all just pray really hard people! =) i'm kind of torn of whether to push for an afternoon class that is closed, or an evening lecture that is closed, or take a friday class. but i kind of like having fridays off as of right now .. it makes me feel college-y.. ahaha .. in a weird way, i'm kind of excited to get back to school. probably because when you commute, "going back home" for winter break is no different from every other day you go back home after school. of course, who doesn't want break to end so soon -- especially me because i want more time to figure out this whole scheduling thing. and i didn't even get to go back to nyc. darn .. well, i guess, maybe over spring break. when it's warm and stuff like that. wooo!
finally, do you like my theme? yeah, i know it's early for valentine's day, but by that time i'll be so schooled up that i don't think i'll have time to make a valentine's layout. plus, it's one of those layouts that i think i could push it all the way to past february. cool, huh? =) oh man i love musiq. lol. who needs a boyfriend when i can just listen to his songs. JOKE ! but forreals, i love his songs. they're pretty frickin awesome. and the inspiration for this whole scheme. yups! sigh. but valentine's day can be a really annoying holiday. especially when you don't have a frickin valentine .. and on top of that, i have a pharmacy career fair that day. oh gee .. lol ..
well anyways, that was the end of my useless entry. oh! i forgot! i was supposed to put up a pic from chillen with my godsisters yesterday! lol. well i'll only put like 1. as my spotlight for today. =]hya, me, phananh, and best
oh yeah my godsister cristina was takin the pic but she's supposed to be in it too. ^_^ i love you cristina! =)

well no shoutouts because no one left me a comment. boo.

the end.