Friday, August 15, 2008

insert sound of olympic theme here


i have been watching michael phelps for the whoooole week almost every night since the olympics started! now i am not usually a sports fan but i love love love the olympics. and michael phelps is a beast! it is pretty crazy because i have rotations every day which i wake up at 530 in the morning to go to. and since primetime is the time when the best things are on, i want to stay up late and watch it! crazy stuff! i didn't think michael phelps was gonna go for 7, but he did! OMG 8 is just bananas. totally bananas. and i am so glad nastia won! goooo nastia! nastia and shawn johnson were the american team. they competed in everything! it is only natural they go 1-2 respectively! trizzzzz. but now i am going to skip out on friday night festivities to sleep. i am sooooo sleepy.

one more week of rotations to go! i could not be any happier. though my time at the hospital has been well spent and i have been learning so much. i like hospital pharmacy, i guess mainly because i was lucky enough to get a really nice hospital with all nice people in it -- it's either hospital or target. LOL. still waiting on industry, hehe.

anywhoots, i'm even too tired to write a full thought on this blog, so i'll continue tomorrow. good night everyone! enjoy the olympics! i'm going in 2012, who's down? london town here i come! :)