Sunday, July 29, 2007

i ain't tryna save that girl

well time for another mindless yet amusing update! since i don't have much to say, and i want to sleep before 1 [because of work, lol, nyeheh] i'll try and use picture form to speed things up! ready, go!

so i was planning to watch the simpsons movie but i ended up not .. i heard it was just "okay" and i am too broke to try and spend 10 bucks to watch a movie that's an hour and a half and only okay .. however, i finally got that stupid simpsonize me site to work after a week and i must say i think the results are similar, to a point ..

well, i wasn't that tan at the time of the original picture, but i sure am that tan now! haha. anyways, i guess i'll wait to watch it later on .. when it comes out on dvd .. haha .. too bad spider pig.

in other news i finally got that wii .. though now i'm 250+ in the hole and so far only have the wii sports and 1 controller to play with.. by myself. needless to say i did get bored a little too quickly. i'm sure it'll get more fun once i spend the extra money for the extra controller. and another game. too bad i don't have a picture of my mii here to show you all!

school is starting in roughly a month and i must say i was more psyched about the incoming school year than i was coming in to 3rd year. i hope a positive attitude will help me to do better in school .. because well, i need it, and it's do or die time. let's do, shall we?

august is looking to be a pretty packed month full of the "no-money" and the free labor, and other things. i guess keeping busy equates to keeping focused? maybe so, maybe not. i'm sorry to everyone who i planned to hang out with this summer and didn't .. work sure did get the best of me this time. maybe we can squeeze it in still for august .. maybe .. but then again ..

i think that's the end of what i have to say. sorry i didn't use more pictures! oh well, maybe for next time. good night everyone, don't stay up too late. =)

<3 to:

marielle; NYC really does have everything! nah, i'm done with my summer classes .. just been working and stuffs. yeah, the XXI thing in "hoodbridge" [haha] is the new forever 21. they relocated and some shit like that. their stuff doesn't fit me like it used to .. so sad. i hope you have a happy monday too tomorrow!
jackie; one day i hope to go to paris .. the real one! let's! but come to nyc too we have more adventures to take. i am so saving and blowing it off on a wii all at the same time .. haha. and yes, i'm on time for work .. 90% of the time .. hahaha :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

midnight fire

damn, it's been that long that i haven't updated my blogger? goodness gracious, i can't let that amount of time pass like that .. i failed miserably in writing one entry per week .. so sad!
so charles called me from target and told me he found the silver surfer figurine that i impulsively paid $14 for -- he found it there, at target, for 5 BUCKS!

he offered to buy it for me again, for sentimental reasons, but i said no. awwww .. he's so thoughtful sometimes at the most random moments.

meanwhile, i've successfully wasted my summer working! oh well, at least i got to go to the museum this past weekend. gillian told me to treat going to new york like going to paris .. and it's true, i followed her advice and it made the trip that more enjoyable. i guess you kind of take for granted all that you have in new york city when you live so close to it. it was nice being a tourist .. even though i'm from jersey, new york is definitely my city.

well good night and good luck my friends, time for sleep because of lab tomorrow.

<3 to the girl who is awesomer beyond words; jackie!