Sunday, April 23, 2006

there's too many cute ones here to be mad

quote of the moment;
kristen: shiet, we're f-cked.
this chick is awesomenessss. and we found those coconuts too. haha

hehehe .. well, anyways, yesterday, was the beloved barrio fiesta, and yes, i know, i'm like, totally early with the whole weekly updating thing, but oh wells, sucks to be you. hehe. after all the practicing and all the nights i spent at lucy stone thinking that, you know, shiet, we're so gonna die; i'm so going to look like an ass in front of 500 people. but you know, GOD really does work in mysterious ways.. and so do people .. and even though i really hate working under pressure, we always manage to do a fabulous job and kick ass in cultural dancing and et cetera. and as you can see, i just happen to accidentally be color coordinated with my free lime green tee-shirt that matches the lime greenness of my watermelon colored shoes. lols! and even though i was ass tired from doing the fast ass tinikling 5-6 times in a row, it was a great time. i mean what can beat being on fake wowowee with fake sexbomb girl dancers? who knows. though, it sucks that we always have to be so last minute about things .. we waste so much time doing nothing that we could have been using to do other more important things .. like sleeping! haha. but i guess, bonding time is important, and people always learn from their mistakes, or lackthereof. in the end, i realized that no one could ever take the place of my beloved RCDT .. we have been through craploads of crap together and have stressed a lot together, but have always been there through it all. i don't know what's going to happen next year.. if we're still gonna be a 'troupe' .. or maybe we'll have to disband or something .. who knows, but i've enjoyed the past 2 years i've been involved with it. GOD only knows what's in store for all of us. and i learned that making new friends is the best! haha. it just sucks that we can't make these new friends earlier in life, since some of the new friends i made are graduating .. i didn't even get a chance to cheel with them long enough.. and a good number of new friends i made are older than me. but maybe it's all part of our destinies.. and partially due to our circumstances. [after all, i am still only a sophomore, don't you know.] and maybe, if i met them earlier in life, it wouldn't be the same type of friendship or something that i enjoy right now. finally, i realized that i could honestly maybe not be an actress; some of the scenes in the play would make me crack up if i had to act like that. i guess, we'll just have to wait for next year's barrio play. and i'm gonna miss all the seniors/superseniors/older heads leaving .. i always felt like that graduating year [aka, the class 2 years ahead of me] was the coolest. even in high school, i thought they were an awesome class. don't even ask me why. haha. then again, i'll have a class 2 years behind me coming in too next year .. maybe i'll feel the same way about them too. after all, it is mary's class. lol. what else .. oh yeah. i just love a guy with a talent. especially if they make friends with me. heehee ..

well after all that craziness, and watching vince die and dante come back to philippines to see ana and go to his funeral and then ana sings and stuff like that.. the play ends and there was some junk fun after the show was done. haha. then, i was debating whether to go out afterwards and chill with the peoples, but eh, they convinced me to.. and who can resist skylark diner, my most favorite new restaurant of rt 1 which is right by my house that plays awesome club music that makes you want to dance right in the middle of the restaurant with the waiters looking at you and the other patrons wondering, what the hell is up with these filipino-asian people and their bright ass green tee-shirts?! hahaha. aye so! =) and i tried a new dessert there .. mmmm yummy brownie with ice cream. and french fries yeay! and then i was even more tired and then then i decided to go home and s-l-e-e-p while people went to get their drink on i guess? whatevs. haha. it's time to go back to normal now; i can't believe how fast my year is going by. it's already finals time! sheeesh. i guess, school tends to go by faster when you're older because not much physical or emotional change really happens between the years compared to elementary or even high school. though, at this point of my college career, i can successfully say that i have finally found my comfort zone here, feeling like i can handle myself and handle forming social connections with people and not feel threatened or overwhelmed like i have to prove something. it sure took me a long time to get to this point.. for so long i was so focused to just make it through school in one piece and live up to every expectation i held to myself. but i learned not to take everything so seriously .. of course i still want to do as well as possible.. but sometimes you just gotta learn that you're normal like everyone else and to not take your experiences and friendships in college for granted. because then you suddenly have to work and get old and may never see some of these cool people ever again. damn. which reminds me, i should call my friend jay; i haven't spoken to him in so long, i hope he doesn't think i'm a bitch for failing on my part to keep in touch with him. shiet ..

anyways, i guess this is where i'm gonna wrap things up. i felt like i had more to say, but then i went to sleep last night and i forgot it all. haha. sorry ! =)

yeay for the box step. it's my favorite move ..

RAPS barrio fiesta `06

um, the end.

<3 to:
joe aka jopapa; my blade of grass got stepped on and now he can't get his 36 mg of awesomeness. darn .. lol .. i sure could use some chocolate again .. ^_^
bestfriend jackie; hehehe. don't worry i'll have pics for you girl! and one day, i'll show you all the good shit. =) love ya miss ya!