Friday, December 09, 2005

hi i'm BORED

wow so usually i'd wait before writing another post in my site but you know what! I'M SO FRICKEN BORED! i thought that i reached the pinnacle of boredom sitting in my intro to microeconomics class but no -- i felt so fricken bored today! geez! first it snowed like a mother [well at least mother nature wanted to make it seem like it snowed like a mother] and so i just skipped orgo recitation because you know, who wants to drive in that white fluffy stuff they call snow. not me, well, not my mom and not my dad too. haha. so i woke up and yeah, feeling like woo! snow! and then you know the 2 crazy kids across the street had no school [it's sick bishop ahr closes school like that :snaps fingers: and when you go to rutgers it takes like 10 feet to get classes cancelled for the day] and so after the snow magically stopped i went across the street and made mary come out and play in the snow with me. well, first, we shovelled her driveway and then we made a snowman and then some snow angels too. it was weird because like you'd be expecting it to be really really cold -10 degrees outside and ironically it was pretty warm. then again, i was wearing 5 layers. he he he. me and mary's snowman [actually mary calls ours like a snow baby because it's kind of little haha] was mad nice -- it had like 3 parts to it and it rocked my hat and scarf. to which i got a headache from the cold weather. lol .. i sure do love snow people. haha. and then, i went inside, and did nothing, and was bored. and by bored i mean really really bored. i tried everything -- ate, napped, studied, played the piano -- but eh, i just really didn't feel like doing anything or going anywhere. so i was bored but too lazy to do anything. what a horrible combination. what a waste of a day i didn't even do anything but play a computer online game -- smacky the squirrel! sure does get those frustrations out when youre smacking happy happy squirrels .. and zuma too! oh man. but i managed to get some studying done for social psychology -- `cause you know, exams are in a couple of days and soon -- [11 days to be exact!] my first semester of sophomore year will be OVER! HALE-FREAKING-LLUiAH! it will definitely be time to celebrate after my last exam, person! oh man oh man, it's so close and yet so far. and then i can work on my special sneaker project [provided that my crystals come in time! yikes!] woopie!
darn, i still have to go christmas shopping.. with the little money i have i need to cop a couple of presents here and there .. especially for my godchildren -- cinderella and.. money! haha. come to think of it, i want some cookies and milk. and some hot chocolate. at red lion cafe at rutgers they have maddd good hot chocolate there with the works and shit and it's like $1.50. mmmmm yum. i don't even know what i'm doing tomorrow [today, depending what the time stamp is on this post haha] because supposedly there's a party in St. Matthew for SMPAA and eh .. line dancing! hahaha. gotta love those random Filipino parties. with random people ..
oh man i could go for some candy canes too. there are some kick ass candy canes by starburst they taste like fruit punch. and then hershey's they have chocolate mint candy canes. i donated money to the toys for tots in menlo mall just so i could get the free candy cane. of course i wanted to like help the old man's cause but you know. there were candy canes there! and i had spare change! so i got the free standard peppermint red and white ones. when i eat those i really feel like it's christmas. man you could get sick off those things. but then it gets all played out and shit. i'm gonna get like the super fantastic candy canes and give them out to people and be like "happy freakin christmas man have a candy cane." but then again they have like these rainbow candy canes and like .. you wanna eat them, but it looks kind of freaky because like, who really has rainbow colors when you celebrate christmas. it kind of looks like a candy cane on like exstacy or some shit like that. the only rainbow christmas junk i know is like, the parol we have outside. but yeah, i never really liked those candy canes cuz they look way too freaky. i mean i like the green, red, and white ones. now those are some hot shit. they just taste weird after you eat about .. 10 of them at a time. yeah, not good. and then when i was little we used to put candy canes on our christmas tree and then not eat them .. what a waste of candy. haha .. it would be like january 5 or something and like you know you don't wanna be eating some old ass candy cane that's been there.
oh man i love christmas candy. it's like halloween candy but better because like .. i don't know. it has this cool foil wrapping on it and they even come out with special candies and flavors. like hershey's they come out with mint kisses wrapped in green checkered kisses foil. i miss how when i was in grammar school we used to have christmas parties and like get these special bags filled with christmas candy and then they would yell at us and be like "you can't eat the candy now you have to eat it at home." now you all know you ate the candy right then and there and when you got home there wasn't much candy left. lol. but it was still fricken awesome. too bad we don't have those in college. free candy in class! that would be fricken awesome. i be like, hell yeah! oh wells. i think i need to hit up shoprite or something and get me some christmas candy. even the little crispy crunch things that look like santa. but then i feel bad because i like bit off santa's head. darn, i can never win. lol. mmmmm .. choco yummies ..
you know what else is good -- umm, pan fried noodles. wow, i really want some of that too. i hope we get to eat that at christmas in mary's house and we get the good stuff from china bowl. mmmm .. pan fried noodles .. okay wow i sound like some kind of hungry starving child. and i'm not even hungry. wow ..
and you know what else i want to get a christmas tree. what kind of ghetto family doesn't even have a christmas tree for christmas. mine! haha. i mean we have a small fiber optic tree but it's like in the freakin window. i want like one that i can put presents under! someone get me a christmas tree so that i can put it in my house. haha .. no rockefeller trees tho. joke joke! maybe i'll just buy one from rag shop or something. small, and i'll decorate it all for myself. yeay christmas!
did i mention i like MYMP. okay i did now. man oh man i should have asked someone to get me their cd from the philippines. they are so freakin awesome. when i go to the philippines i'm gonna see them in concert man. them and parokya ni edgar. man oh man .. ahahha ..

well well well that is the end of my random entry.

i have one shoutout to give to the awesomest mistakenly asian el salvadorean nerd chic arizonian brick city random conversation spanish radio blasting adventure having architect in training soon to be partying with best-est-est friend in the whole wide world amen forever jackie. =)

the end. good night everybody!