well hello blog! i thought that it might be time for another angelica update to this weblog of mine because, although i've been slacking this whole summer i haven't got the mental ideal to write something in here. but now, with a little bit of picture form of what has been one of the few highlights of my summer -- charles weekly [kind of] basketball games! now i've been going to most of his games ever since i got the opportunity to; this is like charles 4rd season doing this and i only started going during the middle of the 2nd season. i know i'm a veteran! but of course someone has to do the cheering and what better than the cheerleading/family/friend/girlfriend squad to do it. yeah!
this is from when charles and i went to sonic in june
note the product placement
charles sure knows how to work the bench, awww.
carissa and i dutifully pay attention, most of the time. big red heart pointing motion! HAHA
men in action. note #23 is carissa's favorite.
look at the form! wonderful. :)
on a sad, extremely depressing note: i lost my beautiful wonderful heart shaped diamond filled necklace of 1.5 years! SO EXTREME, TEARFILLED SADNESS TO THE X100000 POWER. i have searched high and low in my house and it is nowhere to be found! thanks to my unreliable memory i don't remember the last time i wore it, only that the last time i saw it, it was on my dresser on ~wednesday-ish. i am so so so sadness. LE SIGH .. i hope and pray that someday it will turn up when i'm not looking for it.. help!
other than that my summer has been filled with boredom and relaxation, and brokeness. rotations start in ~1 week and it's bananas! i hope that i do better than good!
mad loves to the homie, gillian the fish who is in england right now, and my best friend who is currently making tons of slave architect models. chyeah!
till next time, when i have more interesting things and pictures to share. good night everybody!